Result Processing of Schools and Colleges – A Novel Approach – Part I


About 27 years ago, computers entered in Indian schools. Initially they were not adopted in curriculum but students were encouraged to learn programming as a hobby or as an extra curricular activity. Developing Result software was considered as a tough job for average computer learner at that time.

Soon computers became part of school curriculum. Software development has advanced rapidly in past 27 years. Now computer programming is within a reach of even an average computer user. Today, when most of the teachers and students have smart computers in their pocket, its a pity that many schools and colleges are doing School Results by hand or they simply out-source it.

On one side students are learning programming through courses such as IT and CS. They submit projects on databases, inventory and office automation and on the other side teachers are preparing Result by hand.

Office section is becoming less efficient as there is an acute shortage of customized application software to maintain database of students and other employees.

What did the schools learn in those 27 years.

Nothing ?

One of the main cause of degradation of Education System is neglecting most important principle of Education – Sharing of knowledge !

Let us change it from now on…

Here I share a FREE Software (KNOWLEDGE) along with complete source code (TRUE SHARING) to all who want to use it. All pieces of code have GPL licenses.

This system consists of
1. MarkList, a mobile aplication. To create mark lists quickly and easily and send to cloud.

2. Icedove with Attachment Extractor Addon, email client (Free and open source) to download markliss
3. MRKprint, a desktop application to print these mark lists.
4. MRKcollector, a dektop application to make compilation of downloaded mark lists.
5. ResultView, a desktop application to print result sheets (Progress Cards).

In the Next Part  Result Processing of Schools and Colleges – A Novel Approach – Part II we will go through the system in detail and see how to use this system easily. The system is fully automatic and gives a great relief to teachers.

Author’s Email : oak444(at)gmail(dot)com

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