Q. MS Windows works fine for me , why bother ?

Ans. : Well it works well for you since you have been “forced” to use windows in your schools and colleges ! You have been taught to use MS Office , MS Paint to ensure that you never look into other options and take windows as default. This may not impact you directly however it does add to a significant amount of revenue outflow from Central and State governments for Licensing these systems in their offices.

In reality , most of the companies are adopting Linux based system ( Ubuntu for instance ) for their applications and it still remains one of the most used server environment. BOSS itself is based on this architecture and is designed to be easy-to-use. Note that , even in the remote towns in India BOSS is supposed to get used , hence it has to be user friendly and not too complex.

Q. You don’t want us to use Microsoft, but what about Google, Apple etc ?

Ans. : I am not against Microsoft or Bill Gates. I am against unfair trade practices. You can buy any pricey software or other product if you wish, but I don’t want Schools, Colleges and Government to spend Public Funds when free alternatives are available.
Google, Apple are not forcing Schools to buy their products but Microsoft is pressurizing Schools and Colleges to buy these products through curriculum. This is the most dangerous thing for any Independent Country.

Q. But how students will learn skills in Information Technology without Windows ?

Ans. : When computer arrived in India around 1990. There was no alternative than to use MS DOS, Windows and other software products. The schools had to buy and use them in curriculum. This was perfectly justified. But now our country has its own free own operating system as efficient as windows, in fact better than Windows, spending money on commercial products by schools  and government is not only ridiculous but it is total misuse of public funds.

India’s first satellite had to launch using other country’s launch vehicle but now we have our own  PSLV shall we use other country’s satellite launcher ?

Software Skills are Independent of OS and other products. Students need to learn programming principles not the products. Students can work on any OS or software later after they master this skill.

If you need to learn driving skills you don’t have to use particular car Model. Any cheap (or free if you have one) car  model can be used to save money. You can drive any car after acquiring this skill.